Complete Bioclear Evolve Posterior Kit
Product Details
25 x Evolve Blue, 5mm
25 x Evolve Blue, 6mm
25 x Evolve Blue, 7mm
25 x Evolve Blue, 9mm
25 x Evolve Orange, 7mm
25 x Evolve Orange, 9mm
16 x Diamond Wedge – Small
16 x Diamond Wedge – Medium
16 x Diamond Wedge – Large
16 x Diamond Wedge – Extra Large
16 x Diamond Wedge – Deep caries
1 x Twin Ring – Premolar
1 x Twin Ring – Molar
1 x Twin Ring Foreceps
1 x Push-Pull
1 x Evolve Matrix Height Indicator
Designed with an aggressively rounded emergence profile and an average width. Blue Evolve is suitable for the majority of posterior cases.
The Blue Evolve Matrix is colour coded to be easily seen, features an aggressively rounded emergence profile, and comes in five heights to provide an ideal fit.
The occlusal curvature of the matrix creates a rounded marginal ridge with ease. The size and shape is appropriate for most posterior molar cases.
The Blue Evolve’s shape is the most curvaceous of all of our posterior matrices and requires a unique insertion method.
To place the matrix, rotate it into place from top to bottom. Doing this expands the base of the matrix so it snaps over the tooth and into place.
Features a flatter emergence profile than the Blue Evolve. Orange Evolve is perfect for patients with average sized molars where the tooth is too flat for the Blue Evolve.
The Orange Evolve Matrix is colour coded to be easily seen, features a flatter emergence profile curvature, and comes in three heights to provide an ideal fit.
Orange Evolve was created for instances where the Blue Evolve Matrix or Biofit HD Matrix would invert. This commonly occurs between maxillary 1st and 2nd molars.
Use For:
– Teeth with root proximity
– Flat teeth
– The root proximity often causes a normal sectional matrix to invert occluso-gingivally and buccal-lingualy.
Orange Evolve’s shape is a middle ground between the blue, which is very curvaceous, and pink, which is our flattest posterior matrix.
With a minimal emergence profile curvature and broad width, Pink Evolve allows you to work on wider first and second maxillary molars.
The Pink Evolve Matrix is colour coded to be easily seen, features a broad emergence profile curvature, and comes in three heights to provide an ideal fit.
Pink Evolve was created for instances where the Blue Evolve Matrix, Biofit HD Matrix, or Orange Evolve Matrix would invert. This commonly occurs between maxillary 1st and 2nd molars.
Use For:
– Very Broad teeth
– Teeth with extreme root proximity
– Very flat teeth
The interproximal of the 1st and 2nd maxillary molars is often much wider buccal-lingually than any other embrasure areas. This can cause a traditional sectional matrix to invert buccal-lingually. The root proximity often causes a normal sectional matrix to invert occluso-gingivally and buccal-lingualy.
Pink Evolves shape is our flattest posterior matrix.
The Bioclear Evolve Matrix Height Indicator is used for posterior restorations and has two uses:
Matrix Height Indicator: Numbers are printed on the indicator so the correct Evolve matrix for a restoration is chosen the first time. This helps reduce waste when incorrect matrices are chosen.
Interdental “black triangles” were rated as the third most disliked aesthetic problem below caries and crown margins
Quickly treat black triangles using the anatomic Bioclear Matrix.
Learn more about treating black triangles, Class II restorations and peg laterals in our free e-book Closing the Gap in Direct Dentistry.
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