Implant Micro Surgery Kit

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1 x TH31+ADEPN and EL1
1 x VA21+ADEPN
1 x IC3DMS-N

The Implant Micro Surgery Kit was developed with Dr. Arnaud Deudon.

It is particularly indicated for immediate implantation after extraction, but can also be used for alveolar preservation after extractions.

The philosophy of this kit is to offer the minimum of multi-usage instruments for a large majority of cases, organised in a sterilisation cassette.

1. Syndesmotomy / rupture of the epithelio-conjunctive attachment –AD1+ADEPN
The mini periosteal elevator enables to perform a minimally invasive and very precise syndesmotomy thanks to its small size, without the risk of damaging the gum (unlike a scalpel blade).

2. Mobilisation / dislocation of tooth or roots with periotome / mini periosteal elevator – TH31+ADEPN and EL1
In order to achieve the most atraumatic avulsion possible, instruments should be used to dislocate the tooth fragment without doing so at the expense of the surrounding bone tissue. This must be preserved as much as possible in an extraction protocol for immediate implantation.

3. Curettage of the socket, using the curette – VA21+ADEPN
Trimming and curettage of the extraction socket in order to remove dental debris, tissue, infectious lesions and obtain the cleanest possible bone surface. It is important to have a very sharp instrument in order to best remove this debris, and to decontaminate the bone tissue.

4. Use of the mini periosteal elevator / tunneling instrument – AD1+ADEPN and TKF+ADEPB
In order to create a receiving bed for a possible connective graft when performing a buried connective graft in addition to bone filling. Its small size allows precise work on narrow sites. Quality cutting to create a bed in partial thickness.

5. Control of implant burial – IC3DMS-N
Unique periodontal probe making it possible to quickly and very easily visualize the correct implantation of the implant: 3 to 4 mm below the buccal gingival limit.

6. Realisation of the provisional tooth – OP55C+ADEPBC
The composite spatula is used to make the provisional tooth for immediate esthetics.

7. Compaction of bone biomaterials – OP36+ADEPBC
This instrument effectively treads and compacts the bone biomaterial placed between the implant and the vestibular bone table (2 mm gap). The smaller diameter is used to crush the biomaterial in the first apical half of the gap, and the larger diameter to complete the filling of the coronal half.

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