Select HV Etch 30ml Syringe Refill
Product Details
1 x Syringe SELECT HV ETCH (30ml)
Instructions / MSDS
BISCO’s SELECT HV ETCH is a superior 35% HIGH VISCOSITY phosphoric acid etchant designed for the “selective etch” or “hybrid” technique – etching enamel margins without etching dentin. It can also be used for everyday total-etch restorative procedures. It is formulated for optimised handling and accurate pin-point placement performance, and eliminating run-on into the dentin surface.
SELECT HV ETCH delivers a smooth, non-stringy material which can be used in everyday restorative procedures but also performs well when etching enamel margins without etching dentin, otherwise known as the “hybrid technique”. Etching uncut enamel with SELECT HV ETCH significantly improves the quality of the etch pattern and bonding surface.
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– Rinses away cleanly and quickly leaving no residue to interfere with bonding
– Blue in color for easy visualisation and contrast
– Microretentive surface characteristics that are necessary for successful bonding