Biofilm Discloser
Product Details
250 x Disclosing Pellets
Biofilm Discloser is a 2-tone agent which visibly reveals the presence of early and mature biofilm.
With Guided Biofilm Therapy the intention is to eliminate all the Biofilm including difficult to access areas. If Biofilm is made visible, it is removed much faster with Guided Biofilm Therapy.
What you see is what you remove. Colour removal = Biofilm removal including on soft tissues. Coloured teeth and gums will also motivate your patients to do a better homecare. You can highlight to your patients the disclosed biofilm and their problematic areas.
The reddish colour shows new biofilm and the blue colour shows mature biofilm.
The colour will guide you to remove the biofilm with the Airflow Plus Powder. Once biofilm is removed, calculus is easier to detect.